राग मालकौंस


स्वर : पं. उपेंद्र भट

Malkaush (also spelled Malkauns) is a raga in Indian classical music. It is one of the most ancient ragas of Indian classical music. The equivalent raga in Carnatic music is called Hindolam, not to be confused with the Hindustani Hindol.

The name Malkaush is derived by the combination of Mal and Kaushik, which means he who wears serpents like garlands—the god Shiva. However, the Malav-Kaushik mentioned in classical texts does not appear to be the same as the Malkauns performed today. The raga is believed to have been created by goddess Parvati (the wife of Shiva) to calm Shiva, when the lord Shiva was outraged and was not calming down after Tandav in rage of Sati's sacrifice.

Audav - Audav

Vadi Swar
म (मध्यम )

Samvadi Swar
सा (षडाज)

Third half of the night

नि॒॰ सा, ग॒ म, ध॒ नि॒ सां ।

सां नि॒ ध॒ म ग॒ म ग॒ सा ।

म, ग॒, म ध॒ नि॒ ध॒ , म, ग॒ , सा